What Is the Future of Remote Work in 2021?

Though remote work was already becoming popular, the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 accelerated its adoption in ways no one could have predicted. And working remotely is here to stay. A stunning 80% of employers plan to offer remote options after the pandemic, and 96% of employees are interested in partial or full-time remote work. Though every company is different, here is an overview of things you are likely to see in 2021 and beyond.

Time tracking apps

Time tracking apps may become more common as companies determine how best to settle into remote work long-term. These apps help employees stay on track while reassuring managers that they are focused on their job. You may also see features such as screen sharing tied to the apps, which allow collaboration in real-time.

Added communication tools

Open and ongoing communication is critical to any business, and a remote workforce can create communication challenges. As companies analyze their 2020 successes and failures, many will add extra lines of communication. You may see an increase in the use of apps rather than relying solely on email, as these tools can make it easier for relevant teams to stay in touch without getting lost in email chains.

Expanded videoconferencing

Nothing replaces face to face communication, and team meetings remain just as important as ever. You will likely see more videoconferencing meetings on platforms that can accommodate large groups of people. Companies will likely optimize their use of screen sharing, recording, and other tools offered by the big video conferencing platforms.

Improved project management

Remote project management is far more complicated than an onsite organization. As they settle into long-term remote teams, managers are likely to experiment with various project management tools. There may be bumps in the road, but in the long term, project management should go more smoothly than it did right after the shift to virtual work.

Privacy and security concerns

The massive cyber hack of government and private systems at the end of 2020 showcased the need for strong security tools, especially when teams work remotely from their own devices. You will likely see new security measures implemented throughout your organization.

What you can do

Remote work is here to stay, so now is the time to brush up on your work from home skills. Boost your tech literacy with an online class or two or ask a tech-savvy friend to walk you through the basics of the most popular apps. Also, figure out how to set up your life to accommodate working remotely:

  • Designate a space to use as a home office
  • Work roughly the same hours every day
  • Make sure your family knows not to disturb you at work
  • Take regular breaks
  • Keep yourself on track with a running to-do list
  • Working remote can be a challenge but knowing what to expect can calm your nerves. Brush up on your skills, make a plan, and you can be successful in the remote workforce.

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